Interview Questions
Questions for job candidates to ask interviewers
- How often does the team pair, mob, or swarm?
- What is the culture around retrospectives? Can you give an example of an
experiment/adjustment that was the result of a recent retrospective?
- What does code review look like here?
- How do you decide what you're working on next?
- What mechanisms are there for sharing knowledge between people?
Technical Environment
- How long does it take...
- between a fresh checkout to running the application locally?
- to run the unit test suite?
- to run a full regression test?
- Technical practices
- What's the unit testing like?
- Do you practice TDD?
- Do you all use the same IDE / text editor? (What do you use?)
- Siloes
- How do developers ask questions of customers & users?
- What role do developers have in operations and deployments?
- Is there a distinction between people who write code and people who test?
- How are architectural decisions made?
Release Cadence
- How do you know what you're working on solves a real problem?
- What's the process between "it works on my machine" to running in production?
- What is the mechanism for getting feedback from users?
- How long from completing some code to getting feedback from people using
your software?
- When's your next release?
- What do you do for feature flagging?
Business & Management
- Regarding this team's managers:
- What is the general philosophy on slack time? How does that impact
day to day work?
- How do lean principles play out in day to day work?
- How is this team's performance evaluated? How does the team find out?
- What are one-on-one's like?
- Regarding the folks who manage this team's managers:
- What is their philosophy on risk, scheduling, estimates, and predictions?
- How is disappointment and/or excitement communicated down to the team?
- How is this team's performance evaluated? How does the team find out?
- How does this product make the company money? How does your work impact that?
A day in the life
- What's the most challenging part about working there?
- What do you like about working there?
- Every job has frustrations. What's frustrating here?
- Do you have a technical leader who takes time to teach/coach you? What's that like?
- What do you do when you disagree with a decision made by someone else that impacts you?
Work Life Balance
- Does anyone work from home from time to time? What's the policy around that?
What's the culture around that?
- When you're sick, do you keep working through it?
- What hours do you & your team normally work? How does that change when
things are behind schedule?
- When was the last time that everything was "on fire"? How often does that
Something to add? Continue the conversation on Twitter
Written 2019-10